About Us


We are a collective of individual bridge builders led by a Jewish Renewal Rabbi and Rebbetzin.
Members of this group may be Jewish or of another faith or belief system. Other guest leaders are included.
We speak the universal language of music. We facilitate Jewish and Multifaith services that also include
universal teachings from the new thought movement in a holistic way. We are inclusive and egalitarian.
Our commitment is to provide sacred safe space and sanctuary for all
as we treat each other with love, respect, and equal importance.


Rabbi Alan Scott Bachman is a Rabbi for the House of Prayer for All Peoples, a non-profit Corporation registered with the State of Utah.  Formerly, he was a Rabbi for Ruach Hamidbar, Spirit of the Desert.  Rabbi Alan was born in Rochester, New York and currently resides in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Rabbi Alan Scott (Avraham Shlomo) was ordained by the Aleph Rabbinic Ordination Program in the lineage of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi z”l. He has been an attorney for 45 years and is currently with Fetzer Booth, P.C., Salt Lake City.  Having studied at the Eastman School of Music, he is also a musician with and a founder of the band Desert Wind with multiple CDs. Rabbi Alan is a past Chair of the North American Interfaith Network and the Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtable.

Rabbi Alan is also on the Board of Ezra Uganda Assistance which provides assistance to Jews of Namutumba in eastern Uganda with food provisions and other critical needs. https://www.ezrauganda.org/ 

Rebbetzin Andalin Shekhinah Bachman is an award-winning flutist, having received among other awards, the prestigious national Selmer award for Excellence in Jazz Performance. She is also a singer and prayer leader.  Rebbetzin Andalin Shekhinah is part of Desert Wind. She is a recently retired paralegal following many years of experience working with Richards Brandt and Prince Yeates lawfirms, and others in the Salt Lake City area. 

Rebbetzin Andalin is very involved in community service, promotion and web work for the Interfaith Roundtable and North American Interfaith Network, and countless live musical performances in secular, Jewish, and Interfaith worlds. Intuition and talent have allowed Andalin the foresight and strength to accompany Rabbi Alan through this journey.

She emerges with her own set of new musical skills including vocal and indigenous flute work, a deeper understanding of renewal Judaism, and as a partner and emissary of light on this path.