Welcome to the New Month of Elul!
Click this link for a video of powerful shofar sounds
from our member Dr. Marc Shlossman!
This sacred month of spiritual awakening and reflection begins sundown on Monday, September 2, 2024 and ends at nightfall on Wednesday, September 4, 2024.
Rosh Chodesh Elul 2024 / רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶשׁ אֱלוּל 5784
The name Elul itself is an acronym for the phrase “Ani L’Dodi V’Dodi Li” (“I am my Beloved’s, and my Beloved is mine”). This symbolizes the deep and intimate connection between our souls and the Divine. During this month the Divine presence is particularly close, ahead of the new year 5785. We are entering a period of divine mercy and forgiveness.
From Melinda Ribner, author and one of my favorite Jewish teachers, we learn that there are unique spiritual opportunities present during the Month of Elul, which she views as a time of deep introspection, healing, and personal transformation. This is a sacred month in which to prepare the heart and soul for the upcoming High Holy Days. Rabbi Rachel Barenblat (known as the Velveteen Rabbi) emphasizes that Elul is a time to turn inward. This is a period when we are invited to reflect on the past year, consider personal shortcomings, and begin the process of teshuvah (returning or repentance.) She views this month as a gentle, yet profound time to clear the spiritual slate, to return to one’s true self, and to prepare the heart for the renewal that comes with the High Holy Days.
During the High Holy Days we will be singing a beautiful song by Rabbi Alan Scott Bachman –
Od Teshuvah © 2000 Alan Scott Bachman. His lyrics summarize the journey we are about to take:
Return to your heart
for all Holy Days
the power of prayer
renews your heartspace.
Let go of the past
that gets in the way
of finding the Path
Your Soul will embrace.
For it’s only the giving that defines you
And it’s only withholding that binds you
For it’s only a decision that divides you
From faults of old –
to the heart of your soul.
Od Teshuvah Od Tefillah
Od od Od Tzedakah (Repeat) . . . Return to your heart.
Return to the Source of all holy ways
The Shekhinah draws near
for your holy space.
Let go of old wounds
Let go of old pains
Let go of the hate
at times we all faced.
For the day will sure come when all is healed
When the past and the future is revealed.
For the wisdom of the One will be sealed
in deeds and minds – and the heart of all souls.
Od Teshuvah Od Tefillah
Od od Od Tzedakah (Repeat)
During Elul, the shofar is blown daily, except for Shabbat, awakening the soul from its slumber, calling it to return and renew its commitment to spiritual growth. This month is a gateway to the High Holy Days, a time to cleanse the heart and soul in preparation for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The mystical energy of Elul is one of transformation, urging us to shed old patterns and embrace the potential for renewal and spiritual elevation.
During this month, may we be blessed to realign with our true purpose and reconnect with the Divine spark within.
Blessing for the New Month of Elul ~ from Marcia Falk’s The Book of Blessings:
May the month of Elul be a month of blessings: blessings of goodness, blessings of joy, peace and kindness, friendship and love, creativity, strength, serenity, fulfilling work and dignity, satisfaction, success, and sustenance, physical health and radiance. May truth and justice guide our acts and compassion temper our lives that we may blossom as we age and become our sweetest selves. May it be so.
Love and blessings,
Rebbetzin Andalin