
“I am so grateful to be a part of this community. Tonight’s service was so wonderful. I really felt the spiritual energy within all of us shining brightly… may our collective compassion, humility, wisdom, healing, and teamwork be heard and embraced in the heavens… this is exactly what the world needs.” ~ David Knifer

“Your services are one in a million. Your message pure and true.  If anyone can get others to learn, that what you do to one you do to all and that is good and bad, is a beyond brilliant message. Thank you and your husband for services that are
“Holy”, memorable, and good all the way thru.💞.” ~ Shoshana Jansen


“Phenominal service from your new niggun meditation featuring the Best flute ever, to the Torah, drash & prayers …  🤗🤓” ~ Karen Shlossman

It was wonderful to be there virtually! And wonderful to listen to wise words from Janelisa Saeed. Thank you! Now will someone send me a slice of pizza!” ~ Elaine Caldwell Emmie


“I watched this service on my TV. It was beautiful. Thank you for mentioning myself in healing prayers and my friend Angela. I loved your speaker and it was a great service.” ~ Sherri Shilcrat
Thank you for another beautiful service!! X’s!” ~ Yonatan Sorrell
“We really enjoyed your service last night . . . really spoke to world peace and to bringing the whole world into the Jewish New Year experience . . . . We watched it with non-Jewish friends visiting and they really enjoyed the service! ” ~ Howard Markson

Todah for a wonderful service, as always ~ I love singing along with some of your songs of simchah, along with that soaring flute. And hearing those passionately spiritual /spiritually passionate drummers.” ~ Joyce Smith


“I was going to take my 97 year old Mom to her service, but it didn’t start until 7:30 and she decided she couldn’t get ready in time. Instead I shared the live feed with her and it meant as much to her as it did to me . . . . I think I’m hooked again.” ~ Micki Duffy